Optimize Your Offensive Playbook TODAY!

Your playbook is the foundation for your success.

Playbook design is something that is always changing but there are a few concepts that remain the same.

This guide walks you through the step by step process to guide your playbook creation process, asking you the exact questions you need to develop the perfect playbook.

Hey! I'm an offensive coordinator here in Munich, Germany. I have played & coached in 5 countries in the International community. My goal with the Academy is to spread knowledge on the sport that gave so much to me!

Justin Sottilare, Founder of the American Football Academy

eBook Overview

This eBook is a 20 Page workbook that gives you a solid framework to build out your offensive playbook. I also have a handful of bonuses that come along with. The eBook is one of 6 resources I provide when you purchase this.

Define Your Offensive Philosophy

This is the foundation of your entire playbook. There are a ton of philosophies and systems out there (air raid, west coast, pro style, wing T), so how do you determine which one you want to use? I ask the right questions to help make that answer very clear for you!

​Define Your Procedures

The way in which you operate is critical. Are you a no huddle? Do you huddle only sometimes? When? How do you set up the cadence to get more free plays? What do you do when you get free plays? How do you audible? What tempos do you use? All of these things are covered to help you gain clarity. When the bullets start flying, these things MUST be in order if you want to consistently win games.

​Define Your Concepts

Many coaches don't think in terms of concepts. They think in terms of plays. When you adjust your mindset and focus on the fundamental concept behind the variation you're running, you start to see the game differently. In this eBook I give you my suggestions for concepts as well as how many of each type I think you should carry.

Create & Diagram Your Playbook

I show you how to diagram your playbook for optimal learning and setting a standard of professionalism within your team. People learn in a variety of ways, but one thing about everyone is that we want information to be presented clearly to us. This is what I will help show you how to do.

Create Your Naming System

Whether you are using a number system or a pure west-coast style naming system, I show you how you can set up your play-naming system.

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DISCLAIMER: The results showed from the 21 Day OC are my personal results and from previous or existing clients. I'm not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. I use these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE The 21 Day OC Program.